(Video) Resilience by the River

Life is difficult.

COVID makes it harder.

And Climate Change is yet another layer of challenge, particularly for those of us with a deep climate calling to positively impact our world.

Thus, building resilience in ourselves as climate advocates is not only a gift to each of us as individuals, but to all of us as a world community, as it strengthens our ability and increases our capacity to keep going, even when things get hard.

Taking a few minutes to ground ourselves in reality, through this basic practice of tuning into our body, can help us be more at ease with what is (and what isn't!) and more present in our surroundings (whether in the city, or at Devil's Hole in the old growth!) - both of which support us in building resilience and increasing our capacity.

In the first part of this video, I talk briefly about resilience and share a story about the river and the power and meaning it holds for me. After that, I walk you through a practice called 'Feet, Hands, Head, Heart' (while off screen), and return briefly on screen to see how it went for you.

Do leave me comments below if you end up taking this on…just once or over time - I'll be eager to hear how it goes!

